60 | OEChem Toolkit 2.0.5 | http://docs.eyesopen.com/toolkits/python/oechemtk/introduction.html | Useful tools | >Read more |
61 | CanvasXpress | http://canvasxpress.org/ | Useful tools | >Read more |
62 | webservice logo | http://zhanglab.ccmb.med.umich.edu/services/ | Bioinformatics | >Read more |
63 | wordle | http://www.wordle.net/ | Useful tools | >Read more |
64 | circos | http://circos.ca | Useful tools | >Read more |
65 | winsite | http://www.winsite.com | Useful tools | >Read more |
66 | ADME tools and models | http://www.simulations-plus.com/Products.aspx | Useful tools | >Read more |
67 | PubChemPy, ChemSpiPy, CIRpy,Molvs | http://matt-swain.com/projects | Cheminformatics | >Read more |
68 | csb, csb.bio | http://pythonhosted.org/csb/ | Useful tools | >Read more |
69 | multi-task learning package | https://github.com/jiayuzhou/MALSAR/tree/master/manual | Useful tools | >Read more |
70 | Chemistry Validation and Standardization Platform (CVSP) | http://cvsp.chemspider.com/Home | Cheminformatics | >Read more |
71 | seaborn | http://web.stanford.edu/~mwaskom/software/seaborn/index.html | Useful tools | >Read more |
72 | matplotlib | http://matplotlib.org/index.html | Useful tools | >Read more |
73 | Statsmodels | http://statsmodels.sourceforge.net/ | Useful tools | >Read more |
74 | Keras | http://keras.io/ | Useful tools | >Read more |
75 | Cheminformatics on the Web | http://www.molinspiration.com/ | Cheminformatics | >Read more |
76 | Daylight website | http://www.daylight.com/ | Useful tools | >Read more |
77 | Research Center for Drug Discovery, Sun Yat-sen University | http://www.rcdd.org.cn/home/index.html | Useful tools | >Read more |
78 | molinspiration | http://www.molinspiration.com/ | Cheminformatics | >Read more |
79 | Flowchart Maker & Online Diagram Software | https://www.draw.io/ | Useful tools | >Read more |
80 | Prof. G. Schneider | http://www.cadd.ethz.ch/publications.html | Pharmaceutical informatics | >Read more |
81 | InChIKeyToInChI | http://www.chemspider.com/InChI.asmx | Useful tools | >Read more |
82 | Python 资源大全中文版 | https://github.com/jobbole/awesome-python-cn | Useful tools | >Read more |
83 | Prof. G. Schneider | http://www.cadd.ethz.ch/laboratory.html | Useful tools | >Read more |
84 | PASS | http://www.akosgmbh.de/pass/index.html | Useful tools | >Read more |